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Betty Pheto
Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, South Africa
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bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

Digestion is a complex process that begins the moment food enters your mouth. It’s the first step in transforming food into nutrients that fuel your body and eliminate waste. The mouth isn’t just the start of digestion—it’s a critical step that determines the efficiency of the entire process. Proper…

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The popular saying "You are what you eat" highlights the importance of nutrition in maintaining health and well-being.While this phrase emphasizes the role of food in shaping our physical state, it only tells part of the story.Our health is not solely determined by what we consume but also by what o…


Digestive Health Free Webinar
BP Healthy Lifestyle Managenent is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Healthy Lifestyle Webinar
Date: Tuesday
Time: 6pm(CAT)

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Passcode: 786169


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How Food is hurting an average consumer


The Food Sector EXPOSED
Uncover the shocking truth at our upcoming health conference: "The Food Sector Exposed: How Food is Hurting the Average Consumer".

From hidden ingredients to misleading labels, we’re diving deep into how the food industry impacts your health and what you can do to protect yourself. Don’t miss out on expert insights and life-changing knowledge!

Speaker reveal: Betty Pheto, a certified dietician for the last 20+ years, will be exposing the health sector. She will get into how brands deceive consumers through marketing, how what you eat is not what you are actually eating, and how you can be a more health-conscious consumer.

Get your tickets now! Your health depends on it.
Tickets: https://bphealthylifestyle-healthconfere….site

*This conference is brought to you by BP Healthy Lifestyle Management in partnership with The Synagogues JWC

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bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

The gastro-intestinal tract’s healthy function relies on the presence of beneficial bacteria. This gut flora has the incredible power over the immune system- The health of the body is largely tied into the health of the gut. The bacteria in the bowel outnumbers the cells in the body a factor 10 to 1…

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

These days, we eat more food away from home compared to generations before us, which is unfortunate because there are many benefits of family mealtime. Here are reasons why it’s important to eat together, as well as tips on how to make family meals a reality and an enjoyable time despite everyone’s…

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

Your health status might be a reflection of your choices.Healthy eating starts with healthy food choices.You don’t need to be a chef to create nutritious, heart-healthy meals your family will love.Learn what to look for at the grocery store, restaurants, your workplace and any eating occasion.

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

Picky eaters can miss out on a lot of delicious, nutritious food when their “I-don’t-eat-this” list is as long as their arm.And for those who cook for picky eaters, well, it can be challenging.Try these tips to not only help nourish your family but also provide a stress-free mealtime1. *Shop and coo…

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

Cells are a foundation of your body. They use nutrients for energy and to carry out specific functions.Proper nutrients are crucial to your cell's ability to function properly.Factors like diet,pollution and even ageing affect our cells in different ways. Even though they have built in protection me…

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

Natural Digestive Enzyme,is a solution to your Food IntolerancesFood Intolerance (Lactose,Gluten etc) is a result of Digestive Enzyme InsufficiencyMeaning the body can't break down certain foods and absorb nutrients Symptoms of Digestive Enzyme Insufficiency:Belly pain or cramps.Bloating.Diarrhea.Ga…

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

Studies prove that family meals improve nutrition and emotional well-being. They also prove that psychological health and heart health are related.Encourage family meals for the well-being of the mind, heart, and body.

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

Avoid ultra-processed foods.Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are foods containing ingredients that are significantly modified from their original form. They often contain additives like added sugar, highly refined oil, salt, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, colors, and flavors as well.Examples incl…

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

Giving What Your Body NeedsIf you ask anyone what your body needs for Energy,they"ll most likely say Food.The unfortunate truth of that ,is there are many different points of view on what food actually is.Many times those views are counterintuitive to what our body really needs.Our body needs natura…

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

CautionBe careful not to eat to feed your emotions.Comfort foods likeSugar,Caffeine,Fat etc can be addictive and detrimental to your health.Your priority daily should be to feed the body what it needs.

bphealthylifestyle9 posted a new blog:

You are what you eat: Fact and TruthWhat you eat either makes or breaks youWhat ever you put in your mouth will determine the outcome of your health statusYou put in frequently junk/Unhealthy/Non Nutritious food the outcome will be junk/ill health i.e illnesses, diseases and or premature deathYou pu…