Tips to Deal With Picky Eaters 1

Tips to Deal With Picky Eaters 1

Picky eaters can miss out on a lot of delicious, nutritious food when their “I-don’t-eat-this” list is as long as their arm.

And for those who cook for picky eaters, well, it can be challenging.

Try these tips to not only help nourish your family but also provide a stress-free mealtime

1. *Shop and cook with the kids*
Kids are more likely to taste a dish if they helped plan or prepare it.

Letting kids choose vegetables in the produce section or the frozen food aisle will empower them.

Have them help you in the kitchen, too. Assign them age-appropriate tasks, such as stirring, chopping or measuring ingredients.

Being involved gets the kids invested in the final product and piques their curiosity to try it.

BP Healthy Lifestyle Management
Betty Pheto
+27 78 142 6745
South Africa