Benefits & How-To's of family eating meals together

Benefits & How-To's of family eating meals together

These days, we eat more food away from home compared to generations before us, which is unfortunate because there are many benefits of family mealtime.

Here are reasons why it’s important to eat together, as well as tips on how to make family meals a reality and an enjoyable time despite everyone’s busy schedules.

Eating together with your family for about 20 minutes only three to five times a week is all it takes to benefit.

Some positive sides of a family mealtime include:

  • Fewer behavior problems in young children
  • Stronger vocabulary and more academic successes
  • Teens are less likely to smoke cigarettes or marijuana, or to abuse alcohol
  • Kids are less likely to be overweight and less likely to develop disordered eating
  • Eating healthier foods
BP Healthy Lifestyle Management
Betty Pheto
+27 78 142 6745
South Africa