Cost of ignorence

Cost of ignorence

What we choose to ignore we will deal with it as a pandemic or global catastrophe
We are much observant to be blind.
for everything is always in the open, our children are always before our very own eye
How they interact with others on the streets
we have seen how they behavior out side out rules or laws the best place to see your child is in the play ground
Every abuser rapist serial killers bully is ones child that has raise in a culture social religion sort of way ... no one's prays and wishes for their children to turn out bad ,but I mean where there no signs ?
did we choose to ignore them ,during the COVID-19 pandemic we had another pandemic that is been going for a long time gender base voice it's more than the gender though it's about morals ethics it's about love . Are we seeing what we have built through generations with all the culture ethical principles we have enforce slowly my biggest question is are we planning to get out ?
Memes is the only image's I can find in my mind if there's a wag out are we looking for it ?
There's still hope
Even when this thing can blow on us

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