30TH JUNE 2022

We the under-listed members of Ilana Omo Oodua Worldwide hereby pass a vote of no confidence against the Worldwide Executive Council of the Organization and demand for immediate dissolution of the Executive Council.

Our Reasons are as follows:

1. INCOMPETENCE: Since we have been attending the General Meetings of IOOW, there was no time the Minute of previous meeting was ever read. We have a situation whereby we don't even know the Officials of the organization. Aside the Alana, His Deputy, Assistant General Secretary and Communications Secretary, others are not Inspiring. We asked questions on constitution of committees that could facilitate development of the Yoruba People and the organization, no one responded to us. The General Secretary has never engaged us in the platform. The people in charge of Finance have never engaged us on how they would raise funds for the organization. We read a statement that the case we instituted in Ado-Ekiti Federal High Court against the 1999 constitution of Nigeria has been struck out. Till date, there's no general meeting of the Organization called for us to be briefed. We don't know the next line of action. The Legal Director is not engaging us. The Lawyer hired to prosecute the case said he won't attend the last court sitting because of non-payment of his fee, a bogus indictment of the legal department and our General Secretary. The Media Team had to Independently raise funds within and outside the organization to temporarily bail us out. Infact, It is Only in ILANA that media department would be raising funds. What is the business of Ilana Media team to be spare-heading funds raising? Osun Federal High Court will sit next week. We don't know what is happening. Are we abandoning the case or not? Why have we not held a general meeting over the matter? Why is the Executive Council not talking to us,? Why are we not paying the legal fee of the Lawyer? What is our Legal Director doing? What is our Finance Department doing? Aside Membership Registration that the executive members have discredited before the public, what else is generating funds for the Organization?

It is obvious that wrong people are leading us in ILANA OMO OODUA WORLDWIDE. Virtually other major Self-Determination organization groups sprang out of Ilana Omo Oodua Worldwide and they are now more coordinated and tactical than us. Unfortunately, the grassroots only recognize Ilana Omo Oodua Worldwide as the leading YORUBA Self-Determination group. It is obvious that most of the current members of the executive council do not know anything about Self-Determination Struggle. They are not creative, not innovative, not self-motivated, not selfless and very uninspiring.

We learnt they were all selected without passing through any electoral or screening processes. As members, we have never seen the Reports of all our Chapters in Homeland and Diaspora. We doubt if we have more than two chapters functioning now in the DIASPORA while the Homeland Chapters are tearing away. Enough is Enough!


We have an executive council where members are abusing themselves openly before general members instead of attacking issues within the executive platform. We saw how the General Secretary accused the Deputy Alana and the Communications Secretary of calling another general meeting after he had issued a notice of meeting on the instruction of Alana. The General Secretary, though without providing any evidence, accused the Deputy Alana and Communications Secretary of using the organization to make money. No Panel was ever called to ask the General Secretary questions till date. Because of the actions of the General Secretary, many people lost interest in Ilana Omo Oodua. Is it through that The Deputy Alana and the Communications Secretary are using Ilana to make money as alleged by the General Secretary? The Communications Secretary presented an evidence to show that the General Secretary reacted out of point but the General Secretary never said anything till date. No apologies either.

The Alana announced the New Website of IOOW in our general meeting. We were all briefed at three consecutive general meetings on the Website Development processes. The ALANA announced that all interested members should register on the website but we saw when the UK Chapter Coordinator said he won't comply and he didn't comply till date. He even said he is not accountable to Ilana OMO OODUA WORLDWIDE. He is still running the UK chapter till this moment with the Worldwide Executive doing nothing. He claimed he's not accountable to you yet he's using our name to run his show and we looked elsewhere.

The Treasurer of IOOW openly discredited the IOOW Website and the Registration Portal announced by ALANA, against the run of play. Nothing happened. Virtually all our Chapters are dead in Homeland and Diaspora because they lack Co-ordination and Direction. The Deputy Alana, according to IOOW Constitution, is the Head of Administration of Ilana Omo Oodua Worldwide, but we read that the Assistant General Secretary is demanding that all executive council members should surrender to the leadership of the General Secretary. So we are confused and we don't know what to do anymore. Do we have a General Secretary or a Secretary General in IOOW? Our Constitution says General Secretary with explicit responsibilities. Why is the Deputy Alana not Administering the Organization? Why is the Assistant General Secretary demanding that all Executive Council Members should surrender to his boss? Who is in charge of our HOMELAND Security? We say enough is enough. We do not want to be a part of a vehicle that is not moving. Our people are being slaughtered and killed on daily basis by the FULANI Marauders. The Homeland Secretary is no where to be found. We do not have our people protesting on the street.


Ilana Omo Oodua Worldwide since we were Yoruba World Congress (YWC) is the umbrella body for the Yoruba Self-Determination Struggle. We are recognized by the Media World as the Apex body for the Yoruba Self-Determination Struggle. But today, because of the failure of Ilana to lead by example and lead from the front, several Organizations mostly without ideology, are now springing up to question our leadership position in the struggle. ALANA inaugurated Global Directorate, Yoruba Central Office, and YSDM and recently, Ominira Yoruba. None of these Organizations is recognized by the grassroots, and the Mass Media but they have no regard for Ilana Omo Oodua and its' position despite using our ALANA to launch their brands. They refused to cooperate because we as an organization is never coordinated. We are not leading from the front. No Direction, no Co-ordination. It takes Chief IMAM Aduranigba to visit Owo to commiserate with the victims of Owo Massacre. Aside the statement signed by the Communications Secretary, no action was taken by Ilana Omo Oodua to raise funds for the victims of the Owo massacre.

Sometime ago, the Treasurer of Ilana Omo Oodua Worldwide came to an open platform to accuse the Communications Secretary of opening a WEMA BANK ACCOUNT for Ilana Omo Oodua without his knowledge as the Treasurer. A very scandalous accusation. What we saw that our Treasurer was referring to was an account he saw on FLUTERWAVE PAYMENT SCREEN when he wanted to register on our website as a WEMA BANK ACCOUNT!! That tells the world the quality and exposure of those we saddled with our FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT in 21st century. In fact, that was an embarrassment to the Yoruba people. Because of that singular action of the Treasurer, hundreds of people who are supposed to register to join the organization stepped aside. And the TREASURER, despite being coached, didn't bother to apologize for misinforming the public till date. Members of our executive council only know they are Exco members when it is time to CRITICIZE ONE ANOTHER in public. We say enough is enough.

Therefore, we the under-listed Progressive REGISTERED members of IOOW, hereby pass a vote of no confidence on Members of the Executive Council, excluding the ALANA, Deputy Alana, Assistant General Secretary, the Communications Secretary, Homeland State Coordinators and the Religion Team.

Consequently, we demand for immediate dissolution of the Executive Council and the United Kingdom Chapter of ILANA OMO OODUA and call for a very rigorous process that will lead to the selection of serious-minded people into the Executive Council of IOOW and constitution of a new chapter in the United Kingdom.

Thank you.

1. Mrs Derin Adesida

2. Mr. Arole Fakoya

3. Com. Hameed Ibraheem

4. Com. Samuel Adebayo

5. Omo Oba Adejoke Adelanwa

6. Prof. EFG Ajayi

7. Princess Abike Oluderu

8. Dr. Adegbola OLAGBEGI

9. Mrs Judith Richard-Killa

10. Mrs Adeoti Kalejaiye

11. Mrs Kalejaiye Mobolaji

12. Mrs Oyadele Bukola

13. Yeye Simisade Kuku

14. Mr. Kunle Fakeye

15. Iyaafin Mojirola Ajetomobi
