Knowing your tribe is finding your people it's still relevance

Knowing your tribe is finding your people it's still relevance

"You will be too much for some people that aren't your people" tolerance has always been a foreign word in your kinda people.
_Finding your tribe has_ always been not an easy process and it's a silent longing of each human to be able to find that tribe that one's self is acceptable totally and flourishing regardless of race and age. It has been said that is the reason people go to church. Clubs.

Pilates etc one is in search of that company that provides more than the physical but it gives eliminates that nostalgia critic it's just a home feeling it gives the environment the people the culture the style always been the fundamental theorem of people's lives in quest for belonging this can be navigated,
once ignored. _Human beings have always wanted a sense of belonging it's in our nature.

sense of belonging is a need for human beings to affiliate themselves with another group of people and have their acceptance.

The sense of belonging is fundamental to the way humankind organizes itself.
Tribalism has been of African way but it has been in the bible when the system of the 12 tribes of Israel was introduced it has given identity and clarity to the Israelites. on *Jacob’s blessing, the lion is a symbol of the tribe of Judah, which is known as the kingly tribe (King David was of the tribe of Judah). Lions symbolize power, fierceness, and majesty. Lions are the king of the beasts, and the Lion of the tribe of Judah is the king.*

One's behavior is enormously ridiculous if one is in his tribe. Many have suppressed their feeling, and hold their opinions simply because the environment was not of their tribe a place where you be yourself without carefully watching every word.

Feeling like you don’t really fit in anywhere — like you don’t have a tribe of people who really get you and support you — well frankly, it’s awful. You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely. You may start to wonder if you’re the weird one (you’re not), or if it’s really even possibly strange. I remember when my mentor said you will find your tribe
It's equally important. Little did I understand what she meant it was more than just a relationship or common ground standing

Kunst & Kultur