Fleeting Glory

Fleeting Glory

Happiness , if its of true kind , must be prepared in its presences and complete Unite magnitude . In terms of always being present , I mean that it should never be interrupted by worry and that it should exist for a person both in this world and in the hereafter. Its completeness is realized when it’s neither spoiled nor diminished by trouble or worries . Happiness is not something far away. It is to be found neither in fame nor in popularity. When you live with integrity, your heart begins to fill with a happiness as vast as the universe. It’s about being true to yourself and starting from where you are. From there your happiness will expand and grow limitlessly. I

reflect on one (king ) who always sat under a tree to relax and drink alcohol . He call a wise man , to come and advise him , the wise man said , “ O king , do you know what this tree says? “ The king said , No , what does it say?

“ The wise man replied : Many people sought rest around me , To drink wine mixed with pure water , soon after , time began to play with them ( I.e some harm befell them) .Time is like that: always change from one state to another . Tormented by the eventuality described to him , the king became embittered . He stopped drinking , but he remained miserable until he died .
As Some leaders of Some nation behave without impunity toward humanity they forget the history ‘ what happen to human beings that he quickly forget ? Let me remind myself and people : The shah of Iran celebrated the passing of 2500 years since the

establishment of perisian Empire , he beging to make plans for expanding the scope of his power to lands outside of his reign . Then in the blink of an eye, he was toppled from power . ( you give the kingdom to whom you will , and you take it the kingdom from whom you will ( Quran 3:26 ) Chase from his castle and his world, he died in exile as a poor man in a far - off country No one shed tear for him : ( How many of gardens and springs have they ( pharaoh ‘s people ) left ? And green crops ( fields , etc . ) and goodly places , and comforts of life wherein they used to take delight !) Quran 44:25:27) A Similar case is the Ceausescu , the former president of Romania . He ruled for twenty - two years

And he had 70, 0000 personal guard , in the end , though, it was his own people who surrounded his castle . He flees But was soon caught , given a brief trial , and executed by firing squad . (Then he had no group or party to help him against Allah ( God ) nor was he one of those who could save themselves . ) Quran 28:81) Thus he died without anything to show for his long reign: no worldly goods did he take with him and no prospect of prosperity in the hereafter .

Another leader is the former leader of Philippines , . He gathered wealth and power for himself while heaping misery upon his people . In turn , Allah made him feel that same
Misery as he was driven away from his country , his family , and own people even refused to allow him to be buried in the Philippines ( Did He not make their plot go astray ? ) Quran 105 : ( So Allah seized him In exemplary punishment for the last and first transgression ) Quran 79:25!. So we punished each ( of them ) for his sins ) Quran 29:40. To attain happiness and peace , you must be one of those who hasten to do virtuous and beautiful deeds .
