
Promise007 posté un nouveau blog:

NANSSA working closely with the first Nigerian youth ambassador of South African with the common goal of helping Nigerian youths in South Africa. Also building a great relationship between the two countries with the aim of uniting the two great countries in Africa, let the hatred stop.NigerianSouthA…

Promise007 posté un nouveau blog:

The National Association of Nigerian South South Africa NANSSA spoke on the need for quality leadership. ". I thank you all for electing me to this position and giving me the opportunity to serve. I assure you that leadership is a privilege that I will never take for granted". He came to South Afric…

Promise007 posté un nouveau blog:

Serving your country and your people in a different country is an amazing opportunity for everyone. NANSSA is an organisation that cares about every Nigerian student in South Africa. We assist students with any issues that might be affecting their educational and personal wellbeing. Please reach out…

Promise007 posté un nouveau blog:

There has being news about a planned action strike by trade unions in South Africa which is to commence today. The consulate of South Africa has informed all Nigerian citizens to exercise caution today.

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