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malleableiron-pipefitting опубликовал(а) новый блог:

Black steel pipe fittings and galvanized steel pipe fittings are the two most common kind of pipe applied to transport liquid and gas. Both black steel pipe and galvanized pipe are made of steel, however, the galvanized pipe has a zinc coating while the black pipe does not. As a result, galvanized p…

malleableiron-pipefitting опубликовал(а) новый блог:

What are Black Iron Pipe Fittings?Black pipe fittings are a kind of malleable iron pipe fittings or grooved pipe fittings,are made from corrosion-resistant ungalvanized steel with a scaly, black-colored iron oxide coating. Since there is no surface treatment, they are called black pipe fittings. Cor…

malleableiron-pipefitting опубликовал(а) новый блог:

The role of pipe fittings in a plumbing system is to connect multiple pipes of the same size or different sizes to change direction, change size, and branch connections. Different pipe fittings play different roles according to shape or process requirements. They are made of different materials, com…

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