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From glittering skyscrapers to modern co-op flats, from luxury villas to trendy offices, glass has become a staple of architectural and design projects. After all, glass not only brings style and sophisticated appeal to a space, but it is also designed to be extremely practical. Meeting the modern a…

chinanorthglass опубликовал(а) новый блог:

In 1959, Sir Alastair Pilkington announced the development of the 'float glass process' for the manufacture of flat glass, which fundamentally changed the way high quality flat glass (Pilkington) was made. Float glass combines a number of key qualities that allow it to be used in such a wide range o…

chinanorthglass опубликовал(а) новый блог:

Reeded glass, also known as fluted or ribbed glass, is a beautiful way to incorporate visual interest into a space and add subtle privacy to its application through changes in light. Popular in the Art Deco era of the 1920s and 30s, reeded glass has a timeless and versatile appeal. It can add a sens…

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