These fiestas held in Lugo originated in 1754. Since then, they have become one of the most important events on the calendar in Galicia.
From 4 to 12 October, Lugo is taken over by the Fiestas of San Froilán, a celebration attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. Two of the festive days stand out: 5 October, when religious ceremonies are held in honour of the patron saint Froilán; and the following Sunday, “O Domingo das Mozas”, a celebration of the traditional costume, culture and customs of Galicia. During these days, the city streets are the scene of endless parades of cabezudo figures, wandering music bands, street markets, magic shows and jugglers.
Children have their special moment with San Froilanciño, a set of activities including traditional games, chess competitions, plays and the International Puppet Festival, where you can see the oldest marionettes in Europe. The fiestas close on 12 October with the Medieval Fair: the Cathedral square and the area around the Roman wallbecome a traditional market of the Middle Ages, with troubadours, knights, falconry and traditional crafts, and of course, a Medieval banquet. In the evening, an exciting fireworks display says goodbye to the fiestas until next year.
Fiestas of San Froilán
Lugo (Galicia)