Alain St.Ange Addresses 'Africa Celebrates 2024' in the Nelson Mandela Plenary Hall of the African Union.

Alain St.Ange Addresses 'Africa Celebrates 2024' in the Nelson Mandela Plenary Hall of the African Union.

The 2024 edition of Africa Celebrates featured one of its many sessions in the prestigious Nelson Mandela Plenary Hall of the African Union (AU). Among the speakers was Alain St.Ange, a well-regarded tourism consultant and former Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports, and Marine, with extensive experience in promoting sustainable tourism and culture.

In his introduction, St.Ange’s impressive background was highlighted, noting his candidacy for Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organization in 2017 and his bid in the 2020 Seychelles Presidential Elections. St.Ange took the opportunity to commend H.E. Lexy Mojo-Eyes and his collaborators for organizing an event that celebrates Africa's unity through a variety of cultural activities and forums.

He also praised Dr. Abigail Olagbaye of Nigeria, who is organizing an event in late November through the SAYARI DUNIA Sustainable Tourism Foundation, of which St.Ange is a board member. St.Ange encouraged those attending the preliminary sessions of Africa Celebrates 2024, as well as the Africa Tourism Day and Africa Tourism Climate Action Forum (ATCAF) 2024, to participate in Nigeria’s upcoming events from November 25 to 28.

St.Ange emphasized Africa’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, which are central to Africa Celebrates 2024, as well as the continent's commitment to addressing climate change and other challenges facing the tourism industry. He stressed the role of sustainable tourism in fostering economic growth, job creation, and cultural exchange, particularly through empowering women and youth with green skills in areas such as waste recycling, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and digital skills.

Addressing the youth present, St.Ange underscored the importance of responsibility in preserving the environment. “As young leaders, you share the duty of leaving the world in a better state than we inherited,” he remarked. Referring to an earlier statement from the conference chairman, he added, “If we enjoy a walk in the shade, it’s because someone planted a tree long ago.” This sentiment ties into a tree-planting initiative planned for the upcoming Nigeria event.

St.Ange urged the youth to advocate for sustainable development, saying, “You need both hands to clap; similarly, tourism development requires both economic growth and environmental stewardship to combat sea-level rise, coastal erosion, and the loss of biodiversity. Hold your leaders accountable—if they pledge to protect, ensure they honor that commitment.”

Geschrieben von:
Alain St.Ange