Maiduguri flood and the damage

Maiduguri flood and the damage

Save the Children International (SCI) Nigeria has reported that over 150,000 children have been displaced due to severe flooding in Borno State and are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. The Country Director of SCI, Duncan Harvey, shared this alarming update during a press briefing held in Abuja on Wednesday. He highlighted the dire conditions faced by displaced children and families, following his recent visit to Maiduguri to assess the situation firsthand.

Harvey expressed deep concern over the devastating impact of the floods, which have not only displaced thousands but have also exacerbated the vulnerabilities of children in the region. Many of these children are now facing threats of malnutrition, waterborne diseases, lack of shelter, and limited access to education.

In response to the crisis, SCI is working closely with local authorities and humanitarian partners to provide immediate assistance, including food, clean water, medical supplies, and temporary shelters for the affected populations. Harvey emphasized the urgent need for additional support from both the Nigerian government and the international community to address the growing humanitarian crisis, particularly as the situation worsens with ongoing flooding in parts of the state.

He also called for a long-term, sustainable approach to mitigate the impact of climate-related disasters on vulnerable communities, stressing the importance of disaster preparedness and resilience-building programs in the region.

Geschrieben von:
Basirat Chloe Abdulkareem