Computer Maintenance

Computer Maintenance

#computer# hard disk# memory# maintenance# software

Have you ever wondered why some computers work better and last longer than others? Well, it takes constant care and maintenance.

Here are few simple steps that will help you keep your files safe and clean.

Firstly, (Step 1): Update your software

Secondly, (Step 2): Backup your files.

Thirdly, (Step 3): Use antivirus software and keep it updated

Lastly, (Step 4): Change your passwords

Developing ongoing maintenance practices

Now that you’ve done some ground work, it’s time to start moving into longer term maintenance tasks. These are all tasks that you should do today (or as soon as possible) to get started. But for best results, make these a part of a regular maintenance schedule. Setting aside time each week to help keep your computer secure is hereby, recommended.

Back up your files.

Backing up your files simply means creating a copy of your computer files that you can use in the event the originals are lost. (Accidents can happen.)

Scan your files with up to date antivirus software.

Use your antivirus scan tool regularly to search for potential computer viruses and worms. Also, check your antivirus program’s user manual to see if you can schedule an automatic scan of your computer.

Change your passwords.

Using the same password, increases the odds that someone else will discover it. Change all of your passwords, regularly (I recommend monthly). Also, choose your passwords carefully...

Making a schedule

One of the best ways to help protect your computer is to perform maintenance regularly. To help you keep track, I suggest making a regular “appointment” with your computer. Treat it like you would any other appointment. Record it in your datebook or online calendar, and if you cannot make it, reschedule.

Remember, you are not only helping to improve your computer, you are also helping to protect your personal information.

Escrito por:
Charles Ollivant Akpome