My first learning activities at school

My first learning activities at school

On Monday, 31st August, 2015, I went to bed as early as 8:00pm. In my sleep, I had a dream about my new school. I made new and exciting friends; interesting and motivating teachers, also appeared to me, in my dream. One of the teachers had been on duty on that day and led us to sing some nursery rhymes:-
Tick, says the clock,
Tick, tick!
What you have to do, do quick!
Today, is Tuesday,
What you have to do, do quick!!!
At the shout of the last stanza of the poem, I suddenly and shockingly, woke up from sleep. It was just 3:10 am. I couldn’t go back to sleep. I pondered over the dream again and again, just wondering what the meaning could be.

It was now, 5:50 am; Tuesday, 1st September, 2015 – my first learning day at my new school – St. Anne’s R/C Pry/JHS.
I rushed out of bed to pick up my tooth brush and paste, ready to brush my teeth. I then, ended the routine, by washing my face with clean water.

At 6:00 am, my mother called us all together, for our morning devotion. We all knelt down for a word of prayer. My mother concluded the prayer, by blessing us. We all responded with a loud, Amen!

Between 6:20 am and 6:30 am, I had taken my bath and prepared myself for school. I wore my new glittering white school uniform and beamed with smile.

We had breakfast at 6:45 am. My mother took me out to wait for the school bus. The bus arrived at my bus stop on time – 7:00 am. It was a smooth ride to school. We arrived at my new school at the right time, fixed for silent hour – 7:30 am. However, since it was the first day at school to begin a new academic session, the bell boy rang the bell for Assembly. But, because I was new to the school, I went straight to the head mistress’s office. ‘Thank God, she’s arrived’, I said to myself, when I saw her. ‘Hello, Benita’, she said to me. ‘I’m fine, madam’, I responded. She called on my new class teacher, Mr. Theophilus Mbir to take me to join my Class 3 line at the Assembly ground. He warmly welcomed me to school, with a tap on my shoulder. I smiled at him.

At the Assembly ground, a few children had gathered to listen to the call for prayer/morning devotion, like I saw in my dream. On Class 3 Roll call, only 8 pupils had arrived for school, out of a total of 16 children in the class.

The children smiled at me as I joined them on the line. The teacher on duty was Mr. Boafo.
‘Good morning, Jesus, good morning, Lord’, was the song, as he led us in prayer. We continued, … in quick response.

After the Lord’s prayer, the school prayers were said, followed by the National Anthem, the Pledge and the school Anthem in quick succession. Mr. Boafo later, welcomed all to school and wishing us a successful new academic session.

Madam Mavis Ntiamoah, the head mistress, later came to address us and called on a senior school prefect to lead us with a marching song.
‘The day is bright, it’s bright and fair,
Oh happy day, the day of joy;
The day is bright, it’s bright and fair,
Oh happy day of joy!!!’
All sang along as we marched to our various classes on a straight and coordinated line with smiles on our faces.

Geschrieben von:
Charles Ollivant Akpome