The English dictionary gives the following information to define who a Principal is.
Chief administrator of a school
Chief executive and chief academic officer of a university or college.

Drawing conclusions therefore, from the definition above, here are some guidelines for effective school principals:

First, Visionary Leadership:
A good principal must develop and articulate a clear vision for the school, aligned with the district's goals and priorities.

Second, Instructional Leadership:
Must focus on improving teaching and learning, providing support and resources for teachers, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Third, Communication:
He/she foster open and effective communication with students, teachers, parents, and the community, listening to their concerns and ideas.

In addition to the above is Collaborative Leadership:
You must build and maintain positive relationships with teachers, staff, and parents, promoting a sense of community and shared responsibility.

Furthermore, be Student-Centered:

You must prioritize students' needs, well-being, and success, ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment.

Again, Data-Driven Decision Making:
Use data and research to inform instructional decisions, identify areas for improvement, and measure progress.

Another attribute of a principal is Professional Development:
Therefore, Principals should provide opportunities for teachers' professional growth and development, to staying current with best practices and research.

Also, Inclusiveness and Equitability:
Foster an inclusive and equitable school culture, addressing the diverse needs of all students and promoting social justice.

Most importantly is Community Engagement:
Build partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and community members to enhance resources and opportunities for students.

Still imperative is Emotional Intelligence:
Principals are expected to demonstrate self-awareness, empathy, and social skills to effectively manage conflicts, build trust, and promote a positive school culture.

The last but not the lest is Adaptive Leadership:
Be flexible and adaptable, responding to changing circumstances and priorities while maintaining a focus on the school's mission and goals.

Finally, Accountability:
Take responsibility for the school's performance, ensuring accountability and transparency in all aspects of school operations.

You should always remember that, effective school principals are lifelong learners, continually seeking to improve their leadership skills and practices to best serve their students, teachers and community.

Écrit par:
Charles Ollivant Akpome