You need to visit the Yeoville Market.

You need to visit the Yeoville Market.

The market provides a mix of wares from around Africa: beautiful cloth from Ghana and the DRC, tinned goods from West Africa, Mopani worms, palm oil, cassava root and yams, even little bags of clay from different regions of Africa (yes, people do eat clay). Beyond that, the people who work in the market are fascinating. One seamstress boasts that she can make absolutely anything you want provided you bring her a picture (guess where I'm getting my next winter jacket made).

I'll admit the arrangement is somewhat haphazard - trays of dried, salted fish sit next to handcrafted jewellery and second hand books. You'll find everything from underwear to false nails and malted energy drinks but that's why it's so appealing. It's like a treasure hunt.

The market's a success story for everyone there, filled with people who started out with barely anything but are now running successful enterprises. This was Joburg's first market and, according to the council, its most successful; a true reflection of the diversity of South Africa.

As the place's longest running stall manager put it, "It's worth the experience, if only to open up a dusty mind somewhere with something new."

Corner Rockey & Cavendish Streets, Yeoville, Johannesburg

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