Welcome back! As you may recall from previous discussion on this all interesting topic - future jobs, we delved into some basic important skills we need to have in order to land ourselves in our dream job of the future. These include critical thinking, collaboration, flexibility of mind, learning from others e.t.c. For more on these, please, visit the page on 'what skills do you need today, for ...'
In this edition, we shall attempt to use our own critical thinking skill and some other job skills gathered in previous discussion to create and envisage potential jobs of the future. Great! Let's get started, now.
Since we are now armed with or know some job skills to gain future jobs, successfully, let's begin by imagining the following possibilities in our quest to create jobs of the future: refuse dump or trash site Engineer, human flight Engineer, Commercial flight Explorer, Internet of Things (IoT) or Internet of Everything (IoE) Engineer, Personal Productivity Assistant, Impulse/Memory Expert, Human body parts designer, Clinical Assistant/Mentor, Natural disaster Forecaster and Renewable Energy Consultant.
Refuse dump or trash site Engineer - This may sound familiar and, it has come to stay with us for a pretty long time; i.e, beyond the nearest future. Why? Well, this is because according to statistics available to man, human beings produce close to 2.6 billion pounds of trash or waste, every year. Source - ( https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/06/26-trillion-pounds-of-garbage-where-does-the-worlds-trash-go/258234/) And guess what? We just throw such waste or trash away into land fill sites and dumps. Our critical thinking skill should be able to elicit or devise a means and ways of dealing with the situation and sustaining its existence with man. A refuse dump or trash Engineer will just be readily available to solve this long age problem with man.
In Ghana, ZOOMLION has taken the lead for this job creation. That's good news for our Tertiary institutions now to tailor out interesting programmes and courses for our undergraduates, to contribute to future job creation. Our community trash and rubbish could be converted into clean gas, fertilizer for our farmers and construction materials for our building industry.
Other skills needed for this area of job include: STEM skills and flexibility of mind.
Human flight Engineer - It is true that flight instructors already exist in our world today but, have you heard about human flight Engineer, before? It is also true that there are flying cars and drones. But, what about flying people? Yes; by the year 2030 there will emerge in our world, flying people. Since technology is not static but, dynamic, such job will be invented and explored someday to come. People used to fly kites and now, drones are flown and controlled on the ground by people, right? Sometime ago, this wasn't a possibility. Well, something crazier and mesmerizing will emerge in our world, by the year 2030 - a device will be invented to fly people from one destination to the other. Once that is achieved, definitely, there will be the need for some other people to teach them how to fly. Take advantage of such innovation to learn how to teach people to fly.
Skills you will need for this innovation: STEM skill, Critical thinking, learning from others, Creativity, flexibility of mind, complex problem-solving skills and collaboration.
Commercial Flight Explorer - In our world today, we hear of great people going to Space, right? Well, by the year 2030, commercial flight to Space will be achieved. Thanks to technology of our time! But, to make this dream come true, we will require the services of retired but, experienced Astronauts to teach us or train us on how to fly people to space, in large capacity.
Therefore, as a retiree Astronaut, it's high time you started dreaming BIG about this possibility.
Skills you will need to make this happen: STEM skill, Critical thinking skill, learning from others, flexibility of mind, collaboration and complex problem-solving skills.
Internet of Things (IoT) or Internet of Everything (IoE) Engineer - In Internet of Things or Internet of Everything technology, you need an Expert who will help solve such problems as hacked Smart refrigerator or instructs your Smart coffee maker to continuously, make coffee and your Smart lights to turn-on and off, at interval of time. That Expert you need is Internet of Things or Internet of Everything Engineer. By the year 2030, our world is bound to employ the services of such Experts to help solve or resolve malfunctioning IoT/IoE devices and problems.
Skills you will need to solve this problem: STEM skill, Critical thinking skill, learning from others, flexibility of mind, SMAC skills and complex problem-solving skills.
Personal Productivity Assistant - We have to be as efficient as we can in order to compete with future automated workforce. But, how is that possible? Consider the various distractions we have to contain in our world today, that have contributed to the unsuccessful attempts at exploring the potential we are capable of or made of. Namely, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Netflix, Whatsapp, Twitter e.t.c. As more and more technology evolve, such distractions in our life will only multiply and possibly, robots will displace us from our existing job placements. But, not to worry! The answer is right here; that is Personal Productivity Assistant. What will be the job of a Personal Productivity Assistant? Simply, to dissect and analyze people's routine activities and teach them how to reduce drastically, their daily distractions so that they can be able to go about their routine jobs, effectively and efficiently.
Skills you will need for this job: Critical thinking skill, Creativity, learning from others, flexibility of mind, SMAC skills and Collaboration.
Impulse or Memory Expert - By deciding to become an Impulse or Memory Expert, you will be helping people of our world to get rid of bad memories, broken heart, mental illness and irrational behaviour. We need your kind of job to change lives of needy people living in our world today.
Skills you need for the job: Effective STEM skill, Critical thinking, flexibility of mind, complex problem-solving skill and Creativity.
Human body parts designer - I suppose we're all aware of the 'human parts, black market'. Yea! Even though this kind of market is illegal, it's brisk business for some people; and big problem for many more. This is because, many people all over the world are in need of some human organ replacement or transplant. This include, heart surgery, kidney transplant and many more. They resort to turning to the black market to buy such defective human organ or parts because, the parts are scarce or hard to come by in recognized and traditional hospitals and medical facilities. The list is endless - about 21 people die every day, because of lack of human organ or parts to revive or sustain them. But, guess what? All that is going to be a thing of the past, when you choose to become human body parts or organ designer. You can create and design these organs from stem cells and other materials, yet to be discovered.
Skills you will need: powerful STEM background, Critical thinking, flexibility of mind, complex problem-solving skill and Creativity.
Clinical Assistant / Mentor - By the year 2030, a new job would have been discovered to replace such jobs as diagnosing patients and performing surgery that humans lost to robots and machines. This job is Clinical Assistant or Mentor. What will be your role? Simple! To follow up patients' medical appointments and procedures, including surgeries. You will ensure that such patients adhere to doctor's prescriptions and make sure they overcome negative influences that distracts them from living a healthy life. You could also consider becoming Exercise Expert or Counselor, nutritionist and Therapist.
Skills you need: Strong STEM background, Critical thinking, learning from others and collaboration.
Natural disaster Forecaster - The world wouldn't have thought of such job sometime in the past, right? However, with the outbreak of hurricane and typhoon in some parts of the world today, effort should be made at creating jobs like that, to create awareness and early warning signs of these natural disasters for human safety. No less the position of a natural disaster Forecaster will help save humans from such dangerous situations. Your role is to predict the threats posed by such disasters and help man to overcome them.
Skills you need for the job: strong STEM background, Critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills.
Renewable Energy Consultant - Depending on fossil fuel as a source of energy for life, cannot be sustained. Therefore, renewable energy as another source of energy is ideal and our best bet for life. Such sources of energy as Solar, wind and hydroelectric energy are all range of energy. But, which of these sources of energy is most appropriate for our homes, towns and cities or community? Your new dream job, renewable energy consultant will help our world to identify the most suitable and sustainable energy source for human dependence.
Skills you will need for the job: strong STEM skill, flexibility of mind and learning from others.
In conclusion, despite the fact that most of the jobs that we find around us today will soon be replaced by machines and automation by the year 2030, people of the world should be ready and make themselves available for great opportunities presented to us today. Indeed, DREAM BIG, BIG DREAMS,
as you brace up yourself to make use of and take advantage of the job skills available to us today, in order to create essential jobs for us, in the future. Bravo and congratulations on your newly created jobs!
- Catégorie:
- Carrière
- Organisation:
- Clevenard
- Écrit par:
- Charles Ollivant Akpome
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