Fashion which emanated from ancient Europe has today become a global language that influence almost all aspects of human Interactions and progress.

Fashion as a social concept represents specialness,beauty, power and newness which are mostly expressed through wearable articles such as apparel,footwear,accessories,makeup,hair styling etc.

In this new era of socio-economic uncertainties and global competitiveness ,Fashion is key to national wealth creation,poverty allevation,employment generation and nation building.

If we must build a healthy,united and progressive Nigeria,we must take initiative in reinventing our rich cultural heritage and creative diversities,through our own unique fashion creation and expression.

One of the key sectors we have identified to have the ability to bring fast economic transformation is the fashion industry, as fashion or need for clothing falls into the basic human needs.This makes it a product / market that will always be on demand by all sector and section of the society.

The Nigerian fashion industry has gained attention and more acceptance amongst both local and international fashion product consumers over the years.While this is true it is also important to note that the industry is performing way behind its optimal capacity in terms of production, quality,distribution, and marketing. One of the reasons for the slow development of the Nigerian fashion industry is, inadequate professional fashion academic programmes to support the industry.

Realising the potential of fashion industry, the proposed establishment of an academic fashion program in institutions would be of immense benefit to students who would enroll for the course as well as support our Nation's economic and social development.

Here are some Common Tips on rules of fashion in women

To me as a fashion designer (CEO EBI-BELLAS FASHION portharcourt ),

To me l see great styles as effortless and elegant ,what you decide to put on each day says a lot about who you are and how you often want to be perceived at any given time, this goes along way to either reinforce your personal brand or devaluing it.

Often times, in Ebi-bellas fashion we help clients identify the style that makes them feel most confident and that is best suitable for their brand and then show them how to achieve it with ease everyday.

True styles resides in accommodating individualility, rather than blindly following the lead of others.
Anyways,best styling is to"know your body,dress accordingly "

Another rule in dressing is what kind of event do you attend?

You cannot go in sports wears for a buisness meeting or party so also you cannot wear stiletto heels when you go to the must harmonise your outfits.
Famous brands are not important counts in good taste and accessories that define you and customize your outfit.

I feel right now, just like some of you have some reservations about rules, l would truly love to hear from you guys ,what are your observations on the above discussed rules?
As for me the CEO EBI-BELLAS FASHION (Benedicta) l would say this over and over again,do what suits you because the rule makers don't even obey half of what they say.

know what clothes are in perfect harmony with your mood,temperament,with the seasons, with daytime,social status and more. Only on such way you will be more beautiful desirable and unique, Don't let all these odd rules take off your attention away from important things in life....know your limits in life and styles.

Écrit par:

Wow! This is so enlightening

This is so much for this write up


Beautiful write up. Quite informative.