In these modern times when the absurd is celebrated, when upholders of truth and good conscience are becoming endangered human specie, it takes boldness and courage to continue to write about the virtues of truth irrespective of whatever derogatory names (arrogant, self-conceited, myopic, etc) the majority may call you. The test of who you really have become which is a fallout of what you have succeeded in doing to yourself in your mindset-shift attempts, all comes into play in determining if you quit or stick to being your new found self.
If we must face truth, the more you live in error, the more friends you have and the less able you become to redeem your future for your enjoyment of a satisfactory old-age.
Please reduce my take to shreds If you must, but with superior thoughtlines. Remember, we are all learners in the school of life and for me, I love to be convinced that I am wrong to afford me opportunity for deeper reflections and self adjustment.
