# Me Too Movement.

# Me Too Movement.

Oluwaseyi, we call her Seyi in short, was a beauty queen in her day. Wherever she went, she was constantly flocked by large numbers of men who were mesmerized not only by her beauty, but also her raw sexuality which she flaunted on every occasion. Having lived in London for almost thirty years, now pushing fifty, and after two failed marriages and four children, her facial beauty is beginning to wane. Besides, her body is beginning to show signs of wear and tear.

Seyi still lives for male adulation. So she dresses very suggestively and is in her element when men openly flirt with her. She lives for those catcalls. In one of our conversations, she confided that those catcalls make her feel alive and desirable. Now with sexual harassment laws becoming a reality, Seyi is quite concerned that men, particularly those whom she finds attractive, will be afraid to either openly flirt with her or catcall her. I try to reassure her that she is still beautiful, and will always be the center of attention. This calmed her down, but I don't know if it will later.
