Roasted corn and Pear season.

Roasted corn and Pear season.

There is just something about HOME that keeps pulling its children back. I feel the pull all the time but I have to just snap out of it. But this time around its the food that is pulling me back. I can't wait to jump on the next available flight back home.

I have hardly anything positive to say that deals with the affairs of running Nigeria. But I can name three or four positives and they all revolve around food - the roasted corn and pear season which is fastly approaching, abacha (African salad) and ugba, akpu with edikang ikong soup, pounded yam with ofe nsala, amala with ewedu soup, fura da nono and kunu. My job takes me all over the world, and I have sampled several cuisines, but I am still partial to Nigerian food.

Arte y cultura