The Child of Destiny:

The Child of Destiny:

To children (young or old) who have lost hope through trajectories of a dysfunctional life, God is able to bring beauty out of ashes (Isaiah 61:1-3) and treasure out of earthen vessels(2Corinthians 4:7).

I encourage you to read the biblical story of Esther, Naomi, Ruth, Joseph and perhaps that of Job. You would hopefully come to understand that God is indeed greater than man. God was instrumental in transforming the life of each one of the individuals from a hopeless situation to one of admiration and great envy.

Allow me to confidently say this to you without a doubt; you are created for a purpose, therefore, your suffering or pains will not be in vain. You may have rightly or wrongly been let down by your parents. I urge you to turn to your ultimate Father and Creator. He will never leave you nor forsake you. You cannot possibly erase the past but moving on you must move forward. God has great and better things planned for you.

Talking of moving forward, you cannot allow yourself to be an embodiment of past deplorable historical events leading into bitterness. If you unfortunately choose that trajectory, honestly it has the potential of holding you back and turning you into a twisted individual. In such event you may amass more critics to yourself and may constantly walk into troubled waters. Let God fight your battles for you!

Holding on and feeding anger often manifest in bitterness; and when bitterness explodes it creates chaos, irreparable damage that could last for generations. My dear, you have a great life ahead of you. Do not allow unfortunate events to destroy your very existence and purpose in life. I am speaking from personal experience!!!

I can assure you that God is fully committed to seeing you become all you were born to be if only you allow Him in the process.

Let your light so shine that the world will glorify your father in heaven.

The letter below is an example of what a troubled child might write to the parents or guardians. I hope it will provoke some self reflection in any adult who reads it.

Dear Father/Mother/Carer;

I really hope that we can reconcile and establish a good parent-child relationship, which we have not had for a long time. Please be open to listening to my hurt and pain.

Here is what I feel:
I wasn’t wanted
You never showed that you loved me through words or deeds
You never really took time to listen to me
I felt that you often treated me worse than a slave
You constantly undermined and ridiculed me
My achievements were not recognised by you
I felt abandoned when I needed you the most
When I came to you for help, you pushed me away
You made me feel terrible about myself and sense of identity.

I have spent too much time being angry. I have spent countless hours wondering why you were not there for me at crucial moments in my life.
But I do not want to debate any longer whether or not you deserve my forgiveness and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for any hurt I might have knowingly or unwittingly caused you. God is the one who judges all!

Finally, you must know that there are limitations in what man can offer man, but God’s love is limitless. He loves us all no matter what someone may have done wrongly in the past. After all, we are all human beings and susceptible to all kinds of events.

I extend the love of God and olive tree to you!


Your Child.

You have spoken from your heart. God will now by His grace do the rest. It is time now you move forward. I know this is easier said than done. He will empower you with his grace and mercy.

Israel Ayodele E. A. Lazarus Oshunremi
