WhatsApp Etiquette

WhatsApp Etiquette

WhatsApp is a platform that has become a household word, but what is the code of conduct that governs its users? A code of conduct or good manners is also known as “etiquette”. Here are some questions worth considering?

1. When you get a message what is the acceptable period of time within which you should respond; minutes, hours or days?
2. Using all caps in a message is deemed to be ‘shouting. Does the email etiquette rule of “Do not use caps” for your whole message apply here?
3. What formalities should be observed when communicating with business associates, partners or colleagues? Is “Hi” adequate or should one, depending on whom you are addressing need to say, “Good morning Sir; Good afternoon Madam”?
4. When a chat is over do you just stop communication or do you actually sign off with words like “later”, “cheers” or “bye”?
5. Hang messages: if you ask a question or make a comment that ordinarily warrants a response;, is it acceptable if they don’t make that response for a day or ever?
6. Sending pictures: Are they appropriate and in good taste?
7. Chain messages that have gone around the world three times: Are these annoying or do they come with the territory?
In my business coaching, I have cautioned entrepreneurs to be particularly watchful what their profile picture says about them. Keep in mind that a picture is worth a thousand words. A picture that your friends might appreciate might not sit well with prospective employers or potential business partners.

Like all Social Media platforms WhatsApp does have etiquette. It is important that when we use it, particularly for business, we observe the socially acceptable good manners, in other words, WhatsApp etiquette.

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