

Walking through the park in the expanse of the open space, a lot of questions began to agitate my conscience! It was a breezy early Saturday afternoon towards evening. The plantations were flourishing in the embrace of the gentle breeze which somehow managed to activate the moment. It was a precious moment to relish. Everything seemed perfect.

Confusion and clarity clashed in my subconscious; I couldn’t navigate my way out of either. I really wanted to hold onto a living-being so fear and bravery took me to a tree. I sat under the tree for a while counting and reflecting on every year of my life. In the surging waves of memory made me laugh and prick myself.

Truly, life is like a bed of ocean. Happenings beneath the oceans is beyond human comprehension. The past, the present and the future met at the dinner table where the battle of superiority commenced; story and history were then concluded, recorded and vanished and dissolved in the bottom of the sea for an appointed time.

This particular Saturday saw my childhood self standing next to me oscillating between laughter and tears. I looked around but I could not see anyone, it was truly a lonely and precious moment. The atmosphere I found myself took me into a philosophical rhyme. Philosophically I asked myself: for goodness sake how did I get here?

Then my heart started to consider the greatness of something beyond me:

I stared into the sunrise and sunset I had no ingenuity to figure out what was happening;

I considered the expanse of the sky - I was lost momentarily;

I made an attempt to count the stars - my eyes started to water and I stopped being a fool;

I played with water by the stream, I couldn’t tie the water Into a knot neither could I find a colour for it;

I considered the breeze and tried to hold it which equally proved elusive as ever;

I looked at the earth which energises the seeds leading to the harvest of crops - my thought process could not begin to analyse the miraculous chemistry that germinates beneath the soil for human kind’s benefit;

I thought of the journey of my conception to the present day - I could not just phantom what I did.

In all, the greatness of God became pronounced. He is truly a God of love, signs and wonders. He created the foundation of heaven and earth, He then chose me to be one of the inhabitants.

His greatness is beyond calculation and philosophy. My God, my high cry, you cannot be compromised or computerised. You are not susceptible to any virus as such antibiotics is needless to you.

I hear you Lord, I hear your whisper, I have taken them on-board. You told me in clarity and accurately that you created me uniquely enough that you have allowed me to conquer death and life in itself. Praise be to your glorious name.

I have never actually said this to you, my Lord and creator, thank you for all the challenges that you have put on my path.

It was a Saturday that I encountered something beyond me!!!

The Lord is with you to the very end of age; do not die before you die.

Israel Ayodele E. A. Lazarus Oshunremi
