
The standard purpose of humanity

The standard purpose of humanity

Mark Jude MugerwaMarkjudemugerwa**********Alokolum National Major seminaryTHE STANDARD PURPOSE OF HUMANITYHave you ever stopped to ask yourself what you are doing on this planet? W…

The Mickleness of charity

The Mickleness of charity

MUGERWA MARK JUDEALOKOLUM NATIONAL MAJOR SEMINARYMarkjudemugerwa********** THE MICKLENESS OF CHARITYWhat is the mickleness of charity and what is that intrinsic happiness that lies…

The beauty of unity in diversity

The beauty of unity in diversity

MUGERWA MARK JUDEALOKOLUM NATIONAL MAJOR SEMINARYMarkjudemugerwa********** THE BEAUTY OF UNITY IN DIVERSITY.Have you ever thought in depth about the gorgeousness laid in the differ…

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

ASH WEDNESDAY MARK JUDE MUGERWAMarkjudemugerwa**********Ash Wednesday is a holy day of prayer and fasting in many western Christian denominations. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday…

Desert life

Desert life

MUGERWA MARK JUDEALOKOLUM NATIONAL MAJOR SEMINARYMarkjudemugerwa**********DESERT LIFE TODAYYou will agree with me that in today’s world we are surrounded by plenty of noise. This i…

Lenten season

Lenten season

LENT SEASONMARK JUDE MUGERWAMarkjudemugerwa********** Why do we celebrate lent? Why do we start with Ash Wednesday? Why is the colour of the season purple? Why does Lent last 40 da…

Service with humility

Service with humility

MARK JUDE MUGERWAmarkjudemugerwa**********ALOKOLUM NATIONAL MAJOR SEMINARYSERVICE WITH HUMILITYOne of the principal qualities of a person with a purpose in life is humility. HUMILI…

African family

African family

MUGERWA MARK JUDEALOKOLUM NATIONAL MAJOR SEMINARYMarkjudemugerwa********** THE AFRICAN FAMILYThe African family is built around a common life. The family is the primordial cell of…