The Executive Chairman of ATB Cuthbert Ncube reiterated a need to strengthen collaborations.
It was a historical event at the AU HQ in Addis attended by The Minister Hon Silesh Girma, H.E Albert Muchanga Commissioner for Trade Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals at The AU,Chiza Charles N.Chiumya Acrting Director Industry, Minerals, Entrepreneurship and Tourism AU, Dignitaries from the Private sector and The Executive Board Members from the African Tourism Board and Members of the Press.
In his remarks The Executive Chairman of ATB Cuthbert Ncube reiterated a need to strengthen collaborations.
As we strengthen our collaborative in the build up for a resilient sector, we are more than delighted ATB in core joining this umbilical cord affirmed and cemented by the signing of this historical MoU. As we all agree that tourism has been and shall continue to play a significant role as a contributor to our continental economies and is one of the promising industries in the African economy.
For African countries to benefit from the growing share of tourism in the world economy we need to upscale our efforts in creating synergies, creating collaborations, creating conducive environment for the attraction of tourists to the continent.
H.E Hon commissioner, Africa is currently lagging way behind in terms of numbers of tourists that visit the continent compared to other continents. It is apparent that we need to do more jointly to develop the sector and create an African corridor that will attract more of our domestic market segment that makes up 18% of the world's population.
We have a unique product, a unique destination that surpasses any other continent. This calls for intimate collaborative enhancement than competing one another. This calls for more regional coordination in developing tourism sectors that are resilient two shocks. It is more important for governments and private sectors in this sector to collaborate in addressing
impediments to tourism development.
As ATB we strongly believe in core-branding and core-positioning as an effective strategy for Member States to attract regional travelers. We can create a more cohesive and integrated tourism industry that offers our visitors A diverse range of experiences across multiple countries.
We believe in a collaborative on our marketing campaigns, We can collaborate on marketing campaigns that promote the region as a whole this can include joint advertising, social media campaigns and other promotional activities that highlights the regions attractions and unique offerings both on investment and Tourists attractions.
We are going to leverage from this relationship between the AU and the African tourism board to coordinate efforts and promote regional tourism.

- Category:
- Tourism
- 30 May, 2023
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