BIOGRAPHY – Grace Mumo
Grace Is a Three times CEO Global Awards winner as Contlnental Award Wlnner In Medla Category. SADC Regional wlnner and South Africa Country winner as One of Most Influential Woman in Business and Professional Servlces. In 2022 she was awarded one of Africa’s most respected CEO awards by the Business Executive In Maurltlus and also Awarded Afrlca’s Most InfIuentIaI woman In Africa 2022 by Amazon Watch 10th edition of the South America Africa Mlddle East Asia Women Summit In Dubai.
Grace has extensive exposure in Africa contlnent In the corporate sector havlng pioneered mobile banking for over 15 banks in Nlgerla a service that has seen banking Incluslon for the unbanked In that market. Grace commands a lot of respect across Afrlca for havlng been Instrumentel In working closely with regulatory bodies of both the central banks and the telecommunications regulatory bodies of Africa in creating policies that define the mobile banking, mobile payments systems and the eco•system to define rules on the landscape to ensure governance and internationel compliance
Drlven by passlon and her love for technology, Grace declded to leave the corporate industry and set up the first media pletform that aggregates content luxury brands in Africa. She took on the flrst Franchlse of The Luxury Network International for Africa sexing Kenya as the first market for this international business to business network marketing and afflliata group. The Luxury Network is represented In over 4o countrles globally.
She Is currently the Group CEO of The Inspire Group which has a number of ponfollos under the umbrella of the group whith Include, The Luxury Network Franchlse, Luxury Medla Marketing and Advertislng, Marketing and Branding, a Financial Services and Telecommunlcatlons Consultlng Company, An art Gallery and a wlne and connect business networklng tlub and also astablishlng the first ever Afrita Luxury Brands Association to help govern the industry in Afrlta.
Grate command self-respect at leadershlp at key detlslon maklng level and sits in qulte a number of boards for various multi nationals atross Afrlta In South Africa, Kenya, Nlgerla, DRC, Spain, Dubal and Frante providlng guidance to organisations seeking expansion In Afrlta. She has equally galned extensive network of Influential business leaders atross Afrita who command respect In thelr respettlve business and Individual circles. She Is a renowned speaker at International conferences and partitlpate at panel discusslons to address business issues and strategies organlsatlons need to take to successfully become tompetitlve in their respective industries particularly those organisatlons seeking expansion in Africa.
Grace has excellent Interpersonal skllls with the abllity to relate at C-level glving her the confidence to associate and engage at leadership level. the has what it takes to identify with executive language and the
respect they individually command. Her core strengths are a combinaflon of many attributes which enable her to prioritise important business expectations, as well as be able to pitch business negotiations at the right level. She is well equipped with the knowledge, experience and exposure from various business segment that she has been involved.
Grace is highly passionate about Africa with a key desire to see brands from Africa excel at international platforms and international brands create reliable, strategic and sustainable lang term partnership's which position Africa brands an same level.
Her desire is to create brands that is highly respected in Africa and that showcases the best from Africa to the world and tell the narrative of Africa differently from the traditional norm of hunger, poverty, war and diseases to elevate Africa to have a platform that shares the stories of the amazing people, the beauty of the African continent, the great and uncovered destinations unknown to the world, the wild of Africa which gets tourists streaming in our jungles, the shores of our continent which are covered with such beauty and elegance.
- Category:
- Biography
- 15 Mar, 2023
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