I've always been a social person from childhood through to teenage hood. There's no change at all! When I was 8-9 years old, I was singing for a community choir, also I was a soloist at my church and singing for few church singing groups as soprano sometimes alto. How they discovered me for a community Choir? I was walking singing in the street and there was a lady who stopped and asked me where do I stay and she said she wants to see my parents. I was living with my grandmother, I took her, she spoke with my grandmother and that was the beginning of it all.

I was with them for about 3-4 years and I had to relocate to Free State to live with my mom. I was now 13 years old, when I was 15 years old, we went and lived with my grandfather, my mom's dad, who had long divorced with my grandmother and he was never married. All was good till I went to university and when I was doing second year, my grandfather passed away, it was a painful moment for me, cause we were close.

I finished university and worked for few organizations and then got married. My grandmother also passed away when I was 8 months pregnant with my son, another painful moment for me!! Now in the marriage a lot happened that I would not mention now, the story for another time when I'm ready!

I've been helping a lot of organizations grow their visions and businesses, it didn't work since founders of concepts and ideas are always so sensitive with what they started, it was always painful for me, cause I had invested so much! I then decided to also do my own thing.

I registered an organization called Fearlessbg since I'm a very brave and fearless person, BG comes from my name Bongi Gladness. I succeeded registering, until one day when I had a dream and a voice was waking me up calling me Woman of Substance and when I woke up I was shocked and I thought maybe that was the name I should have called my organization with, then I decided to go on with it, as part of the already registered name and it will be for the women movement. It is still standing and we host amazing events, we do different programs for women. I'm very whole and fulfilled, this is who I am, apart from being a media personality, Motivational speaker and MC for different events.



Women of Substance /Fearlessbg
Bongi Gladness
South Africa