Too Precious To Be Defiled 1: If He Asks You To Prove Your Love By Sleeping With Him, Remember To Tell Him To First Prove His By Taking You To The Altar

Too Precious To Be Defiled 1: If He Asks You To Prove Your Love By Sleeping With Him, Remember To Tell Him To First Prove His By Taking You To The Altar

Stories like this abound in the internet and makes me wonder where women have left their self worth, confidence and dignity.

A story of a young lady who attended her besties wedding and got introduced to a guy

According to her, the young man took interest and proposed and she accepted.

On his first visit to her house, they made out and few weeks later, she discovered she was pregnant. And of course, the young man denied, citing unexplainable excuses.

To further compound her woes, the pregnancy turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy.
She had to go through a painful surgery to evacuate the feotus. In the midst of the painful drama, the young man that promised to buy her rainbow while it lasted was no where to be found. Only her mom became both her financial and mental support.

To make it worse, during the surgery, she lost a fallopian tube and is left a total wreck.

He calls just to berate her and paint a picture of him moving on.

She is pained, hurt, broken, shamed and filled with guilt but the main character, the man at the center of her woes roams freely, enjoying life and perhaps searching for a fresh prey.

For how long should our daughters continually endanger their lives and future.

Daughters, it is important you put a price tag on your dignity, that you know you don't have to live by a man's justification and that you are as valued according to how you value yourself. Being proud of who you are is positive and possible.

So when he asks you to prove your love by agreeing to sex, remember to tell him to first prove his love by taking you to the altar.

Never you forget, that you are TOO PRECIOUS TO BE DEFILED.

Too Precious To Be Defiled
Franca Idemudia