In my life, I've given abundantly from the depths of my heart, offering myself tirelessly to others in ways that stretched beyond ordinary bounds. Yet, often, my altruism was misconstrued as foolishness. I neglected my own needs, dismissing my well-being for the sake of others'. What felt natural to me was deemed as naivety by those around me.

I made numerous sacrifices in pursuit of others' happiness, only to realize that amidst it all, there was a glaring absence of reciprocity. Who, amidst my countless sacrifices, would extend care and respect towards me? I harbored no expectations of grand gestures, merely the basic dignity of acknowledgment.

Instead, I found myself betrayed by those I showered with affection. Each act of love met with indifference or, worse yet, inflicted with pain. It took a final, painful encounter to shatter the illusion that my sacrifices would earn me the respect I sought.

In the wake of disillusionment, I chose to redirect my love and care inward, nurturing my own heart and safeguarding it against further harm. Learn from my experience: protect your heart, for it is your most precious possession.

With newfound clarity and self-love, I move forward, embracing Bongi Gladness.

Women of Substance /Fearlessbg
Écrit par:
Bongi Gladness
Votre pays:
South Africa