New Year Message From Amb. Odion Cedrack Okpebholo

New Year Message From Amb. Odion Cedrack Okpebholo

As 2024 has arrived, the Divide between the Old and the New appears to be huge.
However, People are waking up, “emerging”. Beginning to remember, in their droves. It is Time to Heal every living Being on this planet from the disintegration from the old Nightmare Dream Sequence of previous years.

It begins in earnest now. For each to step out as someone who leads in their own Choice of Love and Light and how that is expressed. Leads through the way you live your life and project the manifestation of your New Earth Dream out into your own hologram in Feeling, thought , word and deed. And we are not, nor have ever been alone. In your willingness to participate in the Great Cleanup, WE are mighty in the power of our sharing with our vast Soul Family, on the Ground, and in Spirit. Our Star Family have cleaned out the “Space Invaders” interference, and our vast Spirit Family are keeping the power of higher dark forces at bay. It is up to us to work together at ground zero to spread the reality of New Earth Arising in the minds, emotions, and bodies of the waking ones in embodiment.

And never forget that all the vast array of helpers apparently are “standing back”, but they are all in fact closer than they have ever been. They just know that it is up to us, each and individually, our own Freewill choice to ask for help, when we want it. To make contact within, to befriend them, and ask, and be specific for what we want help in.
Beautiful HUmans, in Love, freeing Humanity from its bondage of Shadow, into LIGHT, and in co-creation with Heaven and the Stars.
How Absolutely Awesome is THIS?

Let 2024 be the year that you show your True Colours.
Stay the course.
Keep Calm and Carry On
You are headed to become Incredibly Happy.

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Amb. Cedrack Odion Okpebholo