Collaboration agreement between Clevenard & Asociación Cultural Cubana Latinoamericana en Baleares

Collaboration agreement  between Clevenard & Asociación Cultural Cubana Latinoamericana en Baleares

We are delighted to announce an exciting collaboration between Clevenard and the Asociación Cultural Cubana Latinoamericana en Baleares. This partnership aims to promote and spread Latin American culture in our community.

Clevenard, reaffirming its commitment to diversity and cultural promotion, will provide the association with the opportunity to publish content for free on the platform. Additionally, they will be granted access to special premium user features that will allow them to showcase their cultural events and activities.

This collaboration represents a unique opportunity for the Clevenard community to immerse themselves in the richness of Latin American culture through events and activities. Remember that Clevenard is committed to working with various cultures.

Join us
in this exciting adventure of cultural and community exchange! Stay tuned for upcoming activities and events that will surely enrich our cultural life in the Clevenard community.

#Clevenard #Culture #BalearicIslands #CulturalCollaboration #LatinAmerica
