Some people are patiently waiting for your downfall, so they can say, “I Talk Am”!

Some people are patiently waiting for your downfall, so they can say, “I Talk Am”!

God will continue to disappoint them.

God will attend to your situation, no matter how grim, and elevate you beyond your wildest dreams. Your life is one bundle of messages with many layers.

What God cannot do does not exist..... Sarah became the mother of Isaac at age 90 years old plus, long after she was perceived to have expired. Just think about Sarah at age 90 becoming a Mother!!!

It is certainly not over for you, please keep riding the storm; your time will come.

Israel Ayodele E.A. Lazarus Oshunremi

Bachelor of Arts, Honours In Education and Community Studies, UEL Mentor/Educationalist/Public Speaker/Human Rights Activist/Author
