
**Number 525  Hard work eventually pays!

**Number 525 Hard work eventually pays!

It takes dedication and hard work to get to the top in life. Ironically it takes more than hard work to stay at the top in life. The benefits and, or prerequisites of hard work is…

**Number 523  The time is now!!

**Number 523 The time is now!!

I am constantly taking a critical look at the political situation in Nigeria. Nigeria is drifting closer and closer to fire. Truth be said, my country is in a completely bad season…

Number 443  When you primarily rely on human validation for you to see relevance in yourself

Number 443 When you primarily rely on human validation for you to see relevance in yourself

When you primarily rely on human validation for you to see relevance in yourself then you have completely got the perspective of your life wrong. There are chances that the same hu…

**Number 521   God is the only one to be trusted:

**Number 521 God is the only one to be trusted:

A lot of people have passed away as a direct result of broken trust. Some people have ended up in a mental home because they felt betrayed. Some live an insecure life because once…

**Number 520   The only way disputes can be settled peacefully and amicably is for the truth to prevail.

**Number 520 The only way disputes can be settled peacefully and amicably is for the truth to prevail.

The only way disputes can be settled peacefully and amicably is for the truth to prevail. The moment truth overshadows deception, hiding places become very rare. We have to reach t…

Number 161  Where does hatred come from?

Number 161 Where does hatred come from?

My write up no.158 entitled ‘You are programmed’ remains a factual statement.I was challenged by a young lady of 30 years old about the write-up. She said, Chief Oshunremi, if it i…

Life has taught me a lesson, and continues to:

Life has taught me a lesson, and continues to:

The life of King Nebuchadnezzar is a thought provoking reflection of how God can take any man to Ground Zero and then lift him up again. King Nebuchadnezzar learnt a lesson of a li…

My rhetoric sounds sometimes like a broken record.

My rhetoric sounds sometimes like a broken record.

I often get a backlash as a result of my write-ups as many of them are very controversial and sensitive in nature. I say things that should be concealed, as a result I have a lot o…

The heart of marriage:

The heart of marriage:

For an unbreakable union, the glue must come through the blood of Jesus! The shocking announcement of the break up of (the 27 years old marriage of) Bill Gates and Belinda Gates wa…

My head, Your head!

My head, Your head!

Prayer for the protection of your head. If you do not die there is hope for you. God is the master technician. He intricately moulded man’s brain and secured it into the skull. The…